Harlan Community Television, Inc.

Pictured from left to right: Clarence Epperson, Andy Stewart, Franklin Ison, Alex Pace, Nick Saylor,
Brian Hale, Ashley Hatfield, Misty Shackleford, Hanna Allen, Jack Hale, Joe Hale and Mark Lawrence
-- July 12, 2024 --

Harlan County Judge-Executive Dan Mosley (seated on right) signs a contract with Harlan Community Television (Mark Lawrence, seated on left, represented Harlan Community Television) to expand broadband service to the Cloverfork area. Witnessing the signing were Magistrate Bill Moore, Executive Director of One Harlan County Cole Raines, President and CEO of the Center for Rural Development Lonnie Lawson, Richard Taylor, and Zach Ausmus.
-- September 25, 2024 --

From left to right: Mark Lawrence, Andy Stewart, Jack Hale, Joy Taylor, Brian Hale,
Ashley Hatfield, Clarence Epperson Deserea Lynch and Chris Hamlin
-- July 31, 2013 --

Front Row from left to right: Joy Taylor, Vivian Dudley and Shirley Clark
Back row from left to right: Charles Hale, Jim Hagy, Joe Hale and Jack Hale

Pictured from left to right: Jim Hagy, Scott Saylor, Charles Hale, Joy Taylor, Joe Hale,
Shirley Clark, Jack Hale and Vivian Dudley

picture taken circa 1995

Fiber Optic Van
picture taken circa 1998

Charles Hale
Harlan Daily Enterprise Photo
picture taken January 23, 1984

Pearl Fitzgerald and Helen Blanton
picture taken circa 1980

Vivian Dudley
picture taken circa 1980

Ralph Hall
picture taken circa 1970